
Welcome to my garden.  My name is Allison and 2015 marks my 11th year of gardening in Chicago.  I am a native Texan who landed in Chicago by way of California.  Needless to say, the climate in Chicago is quite different from that in Texas and California—4 hardiness zones different, to be exact!

My main goal for this site is to share helpful gardening information.  Gardening and landscaping are about knowledge and creativity, trial and error, and triumph and defeat. A beautiful landscape adds value to a property and is an important part of making a house a home.  Plants add scent, color, and texture to an otherwise monotonous sea of dirt.  They attract birds, bees, and butterflies and provide refuge for countless insects and critters.  In short, plants are amazing!

Another goal for this site is to share my passion for nature photography, particularly of sites in the North Chicago suburbs.  I am fortunate to be surrounded by such beautiful scenery! I hope you enjoy the photographs, but please do not use them without my permission. The images and content on this site are protected by copyright. Please send inquiries to gardenintherough@gmail.com.

maple tree orange